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How do I proceed after successful Sandbox Setup?

After successfully setting up the Sandbox environment, the next step is to connect to the production environment. While the Sandbox serves as a testing ground for API implementation, the production environment is where you handle real transactions.

Follow these steps to complete your integration:

  1. Whitelist Your Server IPs for Production

    Ensure that you provide us with your server IPs to be whitelisted for the production environment. This step is crucial, as it’s required for authenticating your requests in production. Please reach out to the client success team at VaultN to get your IPs whitelisted.

  2. Update the API URL to Point to Production

    Switch the API URL from the Sandbox to the production endpoint:
    You’ll need to generate a new certificate and use it to create an authentication token specifically for the production environment. After this, you’ll have two separate tokens: one for the Sandbox and another for production (assuming your IPs are whitelisted). Note that these tokens are not interchangeable.

  3. Authenticate to the Production Environment

    Use the same authentication steps for the production API as you did for the Sandbox. You can refer to the detailed steps here: API Authentication Guide.

  4. Handling Connections in Production

    During integration in the Sandbox, you’ll be connected to Demo Publisher Accounts that provide catalogs and price lists. In production, you might not have an active connection to a partner immediately, or a partner may not have shared their catalog yet. This could result in empty responses initially. If this occurs, it should be resolved once a partner activates catalog sharing with you. If you encounter issues, please contact our client success team for assistance.

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